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Empowering tomorrow’s shipping

One report.
Nothing more.

Take control of your emissions reporting with one simple overview of your entire fleet. Input data daily and you’ll get reports to satisfy every stakeholder, and provide the insights you need to keep your investment commercially and sustainably viable.

Future proof your investment

Unsustainable ships are bad for the environment and bad for business. With OceanPass you get a simple ESG reporting tool highlighting the sustainability of your entire fleet in one simple, colour-coded outcome. Meaning you get the insight you need to future proof your investments.

Get the full overview of your fleet

From your vessel’s CII rating to the Poseidon principle and every other useful index in-between. OceanPass makes light work of the indexes you need in one, simple pdf report.

Make sense of your emissions data

Not only do you get every index you’ll ever need for all the stakeholders that need them, you also get a simple colour-coded indication of how each vessel is performing. This shows if you need to take action and how urgently to ensure you meet emissions standard and remain commercially viable.


To enhance your commercial and competitive edge.

We enable tomorrow’s shipping sustainable standards with a tool that makes it easy to take action that enables decarbonisation. To get a simple emissions reporting system that empowers you to take better, more sustainable decisions which safeguard our climate and environment.


How does OceanPass work?

With simple data inputs of fuel use and distance sailed, OceanPass automates your emissions report and collects all your data in one place.

OceanPass uses a simple colour-graded sustainability scale (A-E) that is easy to understand and act upon.

OceanPass calculates every emissions index you’ll ever need for all stakeholders

What we do

We empower

We empower transparent green investment that boosts your fleet’s commercial potential.

We provide

We provide a clear overview of your financing portfolio, regarding its sustainability and therefore its commercial viability.

We deliver

We deliver a simple emissions report with an overview of the indexes you need (incl. CII, EEXI, EEOI, AER, Poseidon, Sea Charter) with all data collected in one place acting as a continuous source of insight.

We enable

We enable you to collect all your data in one place acting as a continuous source of insight, via one user-friendly report.